Monday, October 1, 2018

The Venture Bros. "The Forecast Manufacturer"


* this entire Venture Bros. world and universe is all in the imagination of a very sick little boy who goes to a hospital on the hill for his terminal condition. he likes snowglobes and won't be comin' round here no more cos this is the last episode. the city dressed up as Gotham City so he could have his one last Batman wish.

* Hank: i don't do cold.
Rusty: didn't you watch Star Wars to learn how to survive?
Hank: the Hoth scenes with the entrails were so scary i covered my baby ears with a pillow and never watched a horror movie again.

* Billy: why does it have to be a suppository? a suppository with a nanocamera? why couldn't it have been a pill?
Rusty: cos this is adult swim, not The Science Channel.
Billy: at least give me privacy when i go to the toilet!
Rusty: heehee, you look like a little baby potty-training. haven't you heard? there is no more privacy in this world. this is the world of Edward SNOWden, get it? Pete would have gotten it.
Billy: why'd you pair me with Pete White? you pair me, the dorkiest of the dorks, with the coolest-looking albino motherfucker who discovered Bowie and listened to new-wave college radio BEFORE R.E.M.!!!

* Brock: pasgetti.
Billy: say caterpillar.
Brock: catty splitter.
Billy: say library.
black Shaft dude with the fro: liberry.
Billy: nevermind.

* Rusty: Brock, there's a rat's-nest of...
Brock: that's your hair, doc.

* Dr. Z: so i made this model of my beloved Jonny at a Shakey's Pizza...
Sheila: good call, the pizza here stinks, you went with the chicken wings.
Monarch: that model's rough.
Dr. Z: yes, it's a rough model.
Gary: that is, like, just a replica of the actual Jonny, right? not the ACTUAL Jonny in meat? come to think of it i haven't seen Jonny when i go to rehab...
Sheila: you are a disgusting individual, Gary. your mind is diseased.

* Billy: want me to do a flyover over Shakey's pizza?
Rusty: nope, their chicken wings taste like orphan.

* Dr. Z: assassinate, get it? like two asses. like Sirena's two asses.
Sheila: Sirena has two asses?
Dr. Z: she must.

* Hank: i must go.
Hatred: you're smothering her. unless she likes it. my last girlfriend liked to be choked...
Hank: where do you find such women in this world?
Hatred: only on Instagram.
Hank: Sirena's left 48 messages i haven't responded to!
Hatred: no that's just another Instagram glitch. you actually have 0 messages.

* Hank: wow, i managed to hit my head hard on soft snow, how does that even happen?
Bear: ...
Hank: mom?
Hank: mom always gave me my soft teddy bear...
Bear: but i didn't...

* Sheila: i like that i look like a Russian. that fits me. that fits me well in this present time.
Monarch and Gary: so you want us to kill 'im?
Dr. Z: comic-book characters don't really die. they can't, it's bad for business.

* Monarch: so Island of Dr. Moreau?
Mission Creep: that's a fog machine.
Gary: The Creep?
Mission Creep: please call me Mission Creep, that's G.I. Joe and manly. The Creep is a man who collects G.I. Joe dolls.

* Monarch: you got my butter glider, huh?
Mission Creep: piece of junk. i thought it would be one of those glass butter cases that could help me with my erection problem.

* The Creep: serious question, asking for a friend, when does a collector become a hoarder? like at what item? the 500th or something?

Gary: Man.

* Rusty and Billy: don't mind us, we're from Back to the Future 3, the one you thought you saw but didn't actually cos you'd gotten bored of the franchise by then and besides it was a boring Western.

* the lawn dart flies into the air, comes crashing down due to gravity, slicing the neck open of The Creep wearing a Nixon mask.
Monarch: divebomb, heehee.
Gary: where's the pool?

* Rusty: hey bro...
Monarch: not funny.
Rusty: where's my wedding ring? you said you'd give it back when we broke up.
Monarch: the Titanic lifering? looks like it's more of a deathring, *evil laugh*
Billy: i'll go back into the time machine train and solve this and save The Creep's life. there will have to be a consequence, though, you know that, butterfly wings and all, so the Confederacy will have to win The Civil War.

* Rusty: hey Billy, snatch that time machine from The Creep's collection before we go, i have a feeling this could be important to the plot in the season finale.
Billy: how? if we use the time-machine Frisbee, we can't take the time-machine Frisbee.

* Rusty: would you like some reading while you're on the toilet of Saturn's Rings over there? remember, do not stop squatting till the suppository becomes one with your taint. heehee.
Billy: sure. i need a Nudge Magazine. the one George from George and Mildred was reading in that one episode when the audience thought he was reading up on gardening...

* S-464: do you think Kimberly saw me piloting this gargantuan weather-machine weapon regulator thingee up above the Earth like Han Solo?
Rusty: Kimberly is more of a warm-scotch kinda girl. stays indoors, regales us tavernites with her stories of her conquests legs up the stool. a war scotch for a war story. the war of love. i only dated her once, used the Hero-Locate App all the Marvel kids have these days.

* the Bear auditioned for a role in The Revenge Society earlier in the series. i wish i knew what this meant...

* Sirena: omg, baby, Hank, it's not what it looks like. Dean, dammit, why didn't you lock the door?
Dean: the door is a device which must be left open...
Sirena: i mean didn't you think such a scenario would happen?! you two are loving brothers, didn't you think Hank would visit you here at least once?
Dean: i'm pretty buff shirtless for a skinny guy who's never lifted a weight in his life.
Sirena: Hank, baby, we were just filming a porno. one of those college-dorm porns you see everywhere on free sites, full of anonymous naked students. what do you think you see now?
Hank: i don't know...
Sirena: that's good, that's good. let's try a different tack. so you see the 7 F's?
Hank: i think...
Sirena: good, honey! like what? you see a frog? a french fry?
Hank: yeah a furnace, a friend, a Ferrari, a florist's flatulence, and a flame-grilled chorizo Chipotle.

* Hank: oh, so you see Jake Gyllenhaal behind me, too?................*collapses*

* S-464: *crying android tears* baby, know that i do this against my will and under duress. they reprogrammed me. i love you. i'm not hurting your wrist, am i, pet? unless you like it rough?
Kimberly: i will get whoever did this to us!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *overhead drone shot*
S-464: remember, my love, you were drinking a warm scotch at this moment...

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