Saturday, May 13, 2017

Justice League Action "Field Trip"


* so i heard this was the only bad episode

* look, i don't want to harp on the whole global warming thing but when even the Fortress of Solitude is starting to melt...

* Firestorm: forget fire, my greatest accomplishment are these rad yellow pillows!

* Blue Beetle: i'm not with them. i'm young but i'm not with them.

* Faora: let's get this straight from jump, i didn't fuck that duck.
General Zod: i look like Christopher Reeve, the one and only true Superman.
Quex-Ul: i just found out quex is a Nazi thing...

* sidenote: looking up quex........there's a Quex Park? unfortunate name.....

* not as cool as Lost flashbacks

* Superman: it's like SeaWorld.............but no lines. just wear your wristbands.

* not an alien kitty, an enlightened kitty with a third eye

* Superman: the usual rules apply. first rule of Phantom Zone, we do not talk about Phantom Zone. second rule of Phantom Zone, we do not push the red button.

* Superman: ...third rule of Phantom Zone, no pets allowed!..................fourth rule of Phantom Zone, no Superman in Phantom Zone!!!!!!!!!.......................

* Firestorm: this is easy, it's just like using an X-ray machine. stop talking to me, old-man voice in my head.

* Blue Beetle: when in doubt, break stuff. i learned that on the streets.

* Blue Beetle: no lemon yellow sun, no power.
Firestorm closes his eyes, puts his hand to his ear, and belts out "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam.

* Firestorm: anyone know computers?
Stargirl: only for my con fetishes. i like to dress up as Stargirl.

* Stargirl: what exactly is your superpower?
Firestorm: being fawesome. fire awesome.

* Quex-Ul: uh, can someone help me with this large gun?.........

* Firestorm: get a big piece just in case.
Blue Beetle: all thanks to a little something...
Firestorm: ...should have been big something
Faora: size matters, son. it's better you hear that from a woman.

* Stargirl: this is all my kitty's fault.
Firestorm: not touching that one.
Stargirl: no, you never will.

* Firestorm: wait, so this is the molecular structure of pizza?! i just want to eat pizza! i'm not Stephen Hawking!

* Stargirl: before we start fighting i just want to say to General Zod, i think you're cute.

* General Zod: what's all this green goo?
Firestorm: it's toxic waste! we humans have trashed our planet for centuries!

* Firestorm: i really have to say the Spider-Man line? we're not getting renewed are we.

* Faora: before we leave i just want to put it out there that i'd like to keep the chains.

* Stargirl: anyone have a giant kitty-litter box?
Firestorm: my old-man voice goes on the public beach sand.

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