Sunday, November 29, 2015

Doctor Who "Heaven Sent" Episode Discussion


* Moffat ya small lug, i love you.

* and you thought "Face the Raven" was moody and atmospheric.

* this would be heaven for me, not hell. i'm a loner. i like medieval castles.

* the Doctor: who are you?
Veil: i could ask you the same thing.
the Doctor: i like you. even though i'm scared of you. i never knew i could get scared. i'm scared of death.
Veil: that's the half-human in you talking.

* the Doctor: so you're the Valeyard, right? it's in the name.
Veil: no, my name is Jami Reid-Quarrell. but yes i do a bit of antiquing on weekends.

* the Doctor: have you ever heard of a pocket universe?
Veil: no, but right now you're in a pocketwatch.

* the Doctor: i'm gonna jump out this window. bet you didn't see that coming.
Veil: actually i did. this is the billionth time you've said that line. there are so many of your skulls down there they've soaked up the entire ocean.

* the Doctor: oh, a fireplace, how warm of you. reminds me of my picnics on the surface of the sun. so what do i do? just throw my wet clothes in the fireplace to burn and do the rest of the episode naked?

* the Doctor: okay, i see the reference, call a spade a spade, got it.
Veil: dig your own grave, Doctor. *evil laugh*
the Doctor: wait, what? i have to actually do manual labor? i thought we were gonna play cards.

* Veil: why did you leave Gallifrey in the first place?
the Doctor: i was scared of getting bored.

* the Doctor: Clara, i need your help inside my TARDIS brain........please don't turn around...............okay, i admit it, you do have a nice ass.

* the Doctor: i have one hour to do everything before it all resets again. this episode is an hour so i'm just gonna sit back and see how it ends.

* the Doctor: i'm not scared of Hell, Hell is just Heaven for bad people..............although Hitler is a dick, so. btw, this pea soup tastes like shit, can i speak to the chef?

* Clara: Doctor, get off your ass and fucking win!!!
the Doctor: all i heard was ass.

* the Doctor: ah, bird, The Story of Mankind.
Veil: that book is racist towards aliens.
the Doctor: i hear ya, brotha.

* the Doctor finally breaks the azbantium.
Veil: dammit! the guy said cubic zirconia was the same thing!

* the Doctor: little boy, go tell the others, i came the long way round.
little boy: i'm telling my mommy.
the Doctor: is your mom hot? it's been ever so long...

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