Monday, November 23, 2015

Doctor Who "Face the Raven" Episode Discussion


* nevermore................until we see Clara again in the Christmas special.

* Clara: hey remember when we barely survived fighting that giant monster?
the Doctor: this isn't funny anymore, i know you die at the end of this episode.
Clara: you can predict the future?
the Doctor: no, you weren't there when the cast and crew did the readthrough, remember? you were off auditioning for your next role.

* the Doctor: you gave out my number?
Clara: no, it happens to be the exact same number as the local pizzeria.
th Doctor: oh i so love those Ultimate Hershey's Chocolate Chip Cookie cookie pizzas from Pizza Hut.

* the Doctor: who are you?
Rigsy: i could say the same to you.
the Doctor: i like you. you're gonna die.
Rigsy: this isn't a gang tat, it's a magical tattoo, i'm a responsible husband and father.
the Doctor: oh your little human is adorable, i could just eat that baby!
Rigsy: you're kidding, right? Clara said you were a friendly alien.
the Doctor: hmm? oh yeah, yes, right.

* Clara sticks her head out the TARDIS. her hair blows in the London sky.
Rigsy: i never knew Clara was such a daredevil. she's more rebellious than i was as a youth.
the Doctor: nah, i told her she couldn't use the TARDIS phone to order pizza anymore but that didn't stop her.
Clara: pepperoni!

* Clara: trap streets.
the Doctor: trap streets.
Rigsy: trap streets.
Clara: but which one?
the Doctor: Ashildr Street, nobody remembers that one.

* Rigsy: i'm guilty? is this cos i'm black?
the Doctor: it's your fault!
Ashildr: my fault? is this cos my neck tats are black? that's racist.
the Doctor: YOU can help us.
Anahson: why? just cos i have two faces? that's alienist.
the Doctor: i'm a doctor not a psychiatrist.
Anahson: i'm here legally you know, i have my papers.
the Doctor: are they psychic?

* Clara: you can fix this, right?
the Doctor: no, your recklessness finally caught up with you. it's rare for a Companion to outright die but in the end you weren't as invincible as me. cos you can't regenerate.
Clara: oh well, i can join Danny now.
the Doctor: please give this to Danny when you see him again. it's a maths book.

* Rigsy beautifully tags the TARDIS with a Clara tribute.
bobby: move along, thug, nothing to see here, no loitering.

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