Monday, November 23, 2015

Mike Tyson Mysteries "Last Night on Charlie Rose" Episode Discussion


* the only way this could have been better is if the interviewee was Spalding Gray.

* Marquess (who's a ghost): so did everyone remember my birthday?
Pigeon: maybe it's more appropriate to celebrate your deathday.

* Mike: don't birds have small brains?
Pigeon: don't boxers who've been hit one too many times have the same?

* taxidriver: yeah i hate all these highfalutin celebrities who think they own the tittybars in New York. invite me in once, y'know? all these illuminati who only have a show cos of their name. who did you say you were again?
Mike: Charlie Rose, we're going to Charlie Rose.
taxidriver: Charlie Rose is the worst offender!

* guest wrangler: Popovich went into the black backdrop of the Charlie Rose Show set and vanished into thin air, it's like he got swallowed up by a black hole.
Pigeon: sounds like my first marriage. you're hot, toots! whaddaya say you and i and some kinky boots...?
guest wrangler: i love that show!
Pigeon: you'll be wearing the boots, dear...

* Charlie Rose: the purpose of my show all these years, the purpose of all television, the purpose of all of our lives is to prepare for the apocalypse.
Yung: this is all 4chan's fault.
Charlie Rose dies in Mike's arms.
Charlie Rose (last words): please, Mike Tyson, make up for anything bad you may have done, you can redeem yourself here and now. carry on my mission. save Mabel Pines.

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