Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Haunting Hour "Lotsa Luck" Episode Discussion


* boy: okay, i'm in the first scene, you see me? i must be the main kid of this story. now will i be the stud or the jock? *slips, trips, and falls* there you go, telltale sign, i'm the hapless loser of this tale.

* mom: want some pizza?
boy: is that an Irish delicacy?
mom: don't be rude to your mother.
boy: sorry, i had a bad day. the girl i like thinks i'm a dweeb.
mom: you are a dweeb, you come from a long line of dweebs, that's the leprechaun's curse.
boy: um, mom, i'm sorry i have to ask, but ever since you and your accent came to parent-teacher night, the other kids at school have been teasing me. so...are you?
mom: yes, i'm Merida. it was based on my childhood.

* dad: i'm home. how's my favorite family? *kisses wife*
mom: *kisses husband* we better be your only family.
dad: you're not.
mom: oh. but you would never do us like that intentionally. must be the leprechaun's curse.
dad: um...yeah.

* boy: holy fuck! you aren't the kind of cute leprechauns i read about in fairy tales.
leprechaun: i'm a REAL leprechaun, boy! i'm freaky, creepy, and hairy and scary, i take your soul! stop reading books, they're rotting your brain, watch television to learn the truth o' life.

* boy: okay so the Neverending Story book said something about three wishes.
leprechaun: okay, before we start, i must trot out the tropes and get them out of the way, i want this story to be different for once. so no asking for more wishes, no asking to be lucky, and no asking at the end of it to wish that all of it never happened.
boy: gotcha. i won't ask to be lucky, i already got lucky last night.
leprechaun high-fives the boy.

* Great Gramps to leprechaun: spare my life, i need to live, take my first male descendant instead.
boy: hold up, hold up, hold up, are you kidding me? why was Great Gramps such a bastard? i mean he actually put a curse on me before i was even born, never giving me a chance, dooming me from the start? why was he so special and i'm not?
mom and dad: son, i know this seems cruel, but it simply has to be this way. Great Gramps must never be erased from the timestream, he did something which has benefited the entire world for half a century: Great Gramps invented Lucky Charms cereal.

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