Monday, November 17, 2014

Saturday Night Live Woody Harrelson / Kendrick Lamar Episode Discussion


* Congress will never get anything done, this term or the next, NEVER, we're just gonna have a President from one party and a Congress from the other party forever. alcohol isn't a social lubricant anymore, it's a necessity.

* can i please go back to 1989 and the absolute crotch-firing excitement that boiled over in the playground when that Tim Burton Batman film came out? back before social media destroyed what was left of the world. when instead of finding out about such things from a spam email, i spotted the glorious Batman symbol on a bus stop, that's how i found out, no words on the movie poster, no indication of what it was for or when it would open, simply the Batman symbol on a black background, that's it, that's all that was needed. stark. strong. *sigh*. oh, and if Woody Harrelson was high tonight, Jennifer Lawrence was the kite he was flying.

* the Dudleys: thank you, a skit for all the anonymous messageboarders out there. if you take this skit to its logical conclusion, you find that creating art FOR someone else is not art, it's product. art was never meant to be consumed and commandeered by fans, it was meant to be something done alone for oneself that maybe sometimes happens to get out there to others. whether said others like it or not is irrelevant. the one person you should always piss off the most with your art is yourself.

* Match'd: war memorial is the new hot club. cue Stefon.

* Old New York:
Woody: remember when the crack was better?
the other three at the bar: no.
Woody: neither do i. that's how i know it was better.

* Kendrick Lamar: is crazy. the best musicians are crazy. the best music is crazy. the only sane musician who ever lived is Taylor Swift but she doesn't count.

* goodnights:
Woody: um, excuse me J Law, i'm trying to talk here.
J Law: sorry, i was talking.
Woody: you've been in the clouds recently.
J Law: please don't remind me of the Fappening.

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