Monday, November 3, 2014

Saturday Night Live Chris Rock / Prince Episode Discussion


* i didn't feel that extra hour of sleep, i felt as busy as ever. i need a new life. i need to self-actualize soon...

* Chris Rock monologue: the eternal questions: what is funny and what is offensive? can humor be anything other than subjective? can it be collective and objective? if you're thinking it, what does it matter that you say it? are thoughts good, bad, or indifferent? clearly the egg came first.

* ISIS skit: i'm just saying there's something particularly offensive about using computer skills to murder. the computer is meant to help people, bring the global community together tenuously with social media, make it easier to look up things and learn. it's for blogs, dammit, blogs, so everyone, even the bum on the street, can have a voice and type away his opinions. okay, so the bum is having a hard time self-actualizing and maybe can't afford a computer, but please, bum, please, ISIS is not the answer.

* vlog skit: computers are dumb. fap stands for forward after parentals (leave).

* Prince: his music can only be catergorized as Prince. there's no label or neat box for it to fit in, unless you say it's guitar-driven soul. seeing his extended set i had one thought: i want to join his gang, i want to shave the sides of my head letting the bangs grow out and join that fun gang up there.

* helpful robbers: THIS IS A STICKUP! A CRAYON-STICK UP! art is a privilege, not a right. you want to know the real crime occurring here?: that tree you're drawing looks like a turtle.

* the couple: Show, i REALLY love these. very A Raisin in the Sun. whenever i see these drama vignettes i get reminded again that SNL is located by the Broadway theatre. i get to pretend that i'm a cultured urbane man-about-town patronizing my favorite indie theatre house while i sip pumpkin-spiced-latte and guffaw with my fellow intellectuals through my sweater and mittens. and i don't have to pay for the ticket. free tv, gotta love it.

* okay, let's talk about the promos cos why not: very interesting one with Bobby Moynihan and Chris Rock walking the streets among the non-famous people all with their cellphones recording, very atmospheric and different. difference is all these days.

* goodnights: for the record, Prince was NOT acting the diva being a no-show. he was in the bathroom flushing out his third eye. his sunglasses gave away his secret. he needs to rinse that third eye continuously with purple lake water or it gets dry. it's easier to do this back home at Lake Minnetonka where the rains are purple...

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