Thursday, November 6, 2014

Law & Order SVU "Glasgowman's Wrath" Episode Discussion


* last week i saw my Giants win 3 in 5. they also miss the playoffs. they're an unconventional dynasty like me. i'm unconventional. i'm not a dynasty. Big Country MadBum is a living legend at age 25. can you imagine what that's like? i'm a legend in my own mind...

* Glasgowman: Scottish Slender Man

* Liv: where's Perry?
Carisi: chief, i'm still new, i know this isn't my place, i know humor can diffuse a tense situation, i know it's your kid's favorite show, but please, no more Phineas and Ferb, can we get back to the case?

* Amaro: so what did this entity look like? like a monster? a witch?
Rollins: excuse me?
Amaro: witch, i said witch!
Rollins: you're lucky that bitch Olivia wasn't here to hear.

* crazy guy: i'm not crazy. the girl smelled like strawberries. i saved her. i didn't harm her. i'm lucid enough to know that those girls set me up. i've never seen those girls before in my life. the CIA is transmitting signals to my brain with the radio waves in your cellphone. i like technology, i have an ipad mini myself. all i have to do is keep taking my meds but i don't wanna. treat me like a man, i show more heart and humanity than you cynical cops ever will.

* Amaro punches the geek in the nose.
geek: what the fuck was that for? i didn't have anything to do with this!
Amaro: you fucked me on that internet online auction, that was the last Dark Wizard card, there is only one in existence, it's super-rare and you got it before me!
geek: sorry, brah, was it going to be for your daughter?
Amaro: no, FOR ME, you stupid geek!

* little sister: she wouldn't intentionally harm me, right? we're sisters, we love each other.
Liv: you are so cute, but i'm afraid your sister is under the spell of a dark force.
little sister: Satanism? schizophrenia?
Liv: more powerful: Slender Man offered her a discount on ponies.

* crazy guy: you are the only one who gets me, Carisi, you're my little brother.
Carisi: for life, buddy, i want to see you well. no more woods, woods are for hippies.
crazy guy: will you do anything for me?
Carisi: anything.
crazy guy: come into this cell with me and let's cuddle, i'm lonely.
Carisi: well...

Carisi: ...okay, i guess, i mean, well, sure, so here i come, i'm coming in...
crazy guy: don't tase me, bro.
Carisi: i'm not teasing you...

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