Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Degrassi "Can't Stop This Thing We Started"


* Alli: you haven't told Eli? you haven't told your mom?
Clare: girl, i told Drew but he forgot.

* Grace: face it, Zig, i'm the tough guy in the group.
Zig: this can't be, i'm the man of this clique, i work out instead of doing my homework, look at my muscles.
Grace: i see them, we see them, we can't not see them, for Christmas i'm getting you a long-sleeved ugly sweater.
Zig: how do i get unemasculated?
Grace: there's only one way: homemade tat.
Zig: i'm in, ink that sucker right on my left bulging bicep there.
Grace: well you're dumb like a guy. this is tough.
Zig: yeah i am.
Grace: no, it's tough determining if you're tough. on the one hand it's a pony tat, but it is a tat just the same.

* Winston: oh my god i am so angry.
Zoe: really? this is your angry mode?
Winston: oh i'm angry, i just can't get my voice to really rise in level, but i'm steaming.
Zoe: start a conversation by telling Miles his sweater is ugly.
Winston: no, that won't work, it's meant to be ugly, it's an ironically ugly Christmas sweater.

* Audra: the bitch is back!
Clare: how dare you!
Audra: no, i meant me. i'm back to speaking my mind and not giving a fuck. so you plan to smuggle this baby out of the country?
Clare: um, well, i guess. i can still be with Eli.
Audra: who the fuck is Eli?
Clare's mom: you're not a fan of the show, are you. Eli is everyone's favorite goth.
Audra: when i'm not in the shot, i stay in the Black Hole. fabulous beaches there.
Clare's mom: i know, right?
Audra: i hate those whiny emo kids who have lived two seconds and think they know what depression is. i eat emos for breakfast and wash them down with perfume. i'm a kick-ass broad who shoots first and asks questions never. take no prisoners!
Clare's mom: i am so attracted to you right now.
Audra and Clare's mom kiss. Clare shows her shocked face. Drew stays motionless and does nothing as usual.

* Eli: this is so depressing. you had sex with Drew?
Clare: no, i'm getting my baby from a stork.
Eli: it's the Vlasic Stork, isn't it? i always hated that guy.
Clare: i'm getting my first Vlasic pickle craving...

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