Monday, December 10, 2018

The Shivering Truth "The Magmafying Past"


* this is gonna be a two-parter

* every time i see a drill sergeant i think back to how Goren made that show Law & Order: CI.

* reverse psychology, with a bit of mindreading tossed in at the end

* if humans could read minds there would be no wars. and no need for drill sergeants and maggots and yellow vests and psychological case studies of enemies and ourselves

* just because i shave my head and wear glasses doesn't mean i'm a nerd

* Drill Sergeant: who are you, a metamorphosed Kafka?

* Drill Sergeant: why you cryin'?
cadet: i cry whenever i think of maggots, jar of flies, Layne.

* cadet: three hots and a cot. like Cobain.
drill: don't let him see the whites of my eyes, cos that's where my soul shows.
cadet: you're scared you're gonna be found out. you're so insecure you drink your own pee when it comes so it doesn't get into your pants.
drill: i went to war when i was a baby...
cadet: wow that is fucked up. i forgive you, beat the hell outta me i'll understand. think of me as your Human Pincushion, your Human Therapy Doll. hey we're all freaks inside in the end.

* why does my soul mate have to be damaged like me?

* this really gets to the heart of my favorite comfort: scratching. well and spaghetti. scratching and spaghetti are my two comforts.

* i'm gonna start scratching even though it's bad for me. i'm gonna scratch till i grow a new skin, there will be blood everywhere but i will refuse medical service cos this is religion we're talking about. if Jesus can pull His heart out of His chest i can endure a few booboos without a mother's kiss.

* huh, i scratched the surface of myself and formed a new church...

* this is like those Goya Spanish architecture churches. deformed and gothic and free admission cos they're basically museums. and meant for Terminator robots to pray with their children.

* honey, why did you teach our child peek-a-boo?
i thought you did, you're the mother, i was busy drinking beer.
i'm worried sic (sic). i can't find her anywhere!
she's just playing a game with us...hey at least she doesn't get scared when she gets lost from us, she's giggling...hey we could make a fortune off her! if we can ever find her

* priest: why are you here? how do you get outside of this church? the parking meter's running on my Yugo.
parents: Father we are here because…
priest: you wish for Christ's consolation for your missing child.
parents: no, our child is obviously a spawn of Satan and we want to dunk her in a holy-water font or something.
priest: as long as you're hard-left it will be okay.

* cadet: i just want love
no you're just a cadet what do you know about it
cadet: cadets can care, too. i want love
but love is the Universe, love is just atoms, it's not a thing or substance, it's an essence that can never be taken ahold of.
cadet: o why must we be born? why must we catch a glimpse of the Infinite only to have it snatched away from us at death with a scratch before we have a chance to process it?
cos you couldn't process it if you were not human.
cadet: why are there wars?
humans are too stupid to divide the planet's resources fairly. wars are basically a way to avoid overpopulation.
cadet: will i ever find love? will i ever have sex?
sex is purely a biological thing, has nothing to do with emotion. it's a way to increase the chances of overpopulation.
cadet: marriage is just a human invention, right? we were never really meant to do that, right? life was supposed to be like the '60s forever, right man?

* i wish they used the music in the promo at the end of each episode, that haunting theme has bored into my head...

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