Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Degrassi "Out of My Head" Episode Discussion


* Tristan: why is there a strange woman taking notes in the room with us?
Simpson: she's the director of this episode. did that creepy teacher touch you?
Tristan: yes. i liked it.
Simpson: did he make you do things? cum in mouth? anal?
Tristan: I'm not talking.
Simpson: spit roast? any form of sanchez?

* Tristan: why is your dress a whole bunch of tampons?
Zoe: Imogen said it'd be like that cool thing TLC did with condoms, but with tampons.
Tristan: what's TLC?
Zoe: a tv channel.

* Frankie: why'd you call me a monster, bitch?
Chewy: I didn't, bitch, I called you Frankenstein, it's a play on your name. what do you think of that, bitch?
Frankie: yeah? how'd you like it if I called you Chewbacca, bitch?
Chewy: I'd growl cos that is who I am in the sack, that's why I'm your bae.
Frankie: fuck, you pretty dangerous for a dork.
Chewy: I'm the dork with the ding-dong dick that's gonna wreck dat ass tonite.

* Jack: wait, this whole mess was cos you thought I meant "nice" to mean "not nice."
Imogen: yep.
Jack: nice.
Imogen: so what did you mean just there?
Jack: my sweet lesbian lover, have you ever heard of the classic sitcom misunderstanding?
Imogen shakes her head.
Jack: I'll lend you some of my Three's Company DVDs.

* Tristan: I hate you, you slut!
Maya: whoa, snitch I can understand, but slut?
Tristan: I can see your entire belly. the '80s called, they want that shirt back.
Maya: ah, the '80s, back when this show still mattered.
Tristan: you're dead to me.
Maya: you'll thank me later. and I'm not a slut. belly, yes, belly-button ring, not yet.
Tristan: what about Cam, Miles, Zig, and every other boy at this school?
Maya: I thought you weren't talking to me. anyway, I can't help it if they like me. it's a moot point, Drew is my future husband.

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