Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Degrassi "Walking In My Shoes" Episode Discussion


* Zoe: I don't know if you've noticed but I've got a great ass.
lawyer: I have noticed. many times. but that's not the sort of thing you should be saying when you go to prison.

* Zoe: this lunchlady getup is so not fetch but at least I can use the hairnet for stockings later tonight at the club.
Tristan smells Zoe.
Zoe: I know, I smell like fish.
Tristan: that's not fish. are you fucking Miles again?

* Lola: the writers are making me smart this episode for some reason. I'm a math whiz.
Frankie: cute tutor?
Lola: of course, that's the only thing that motivates teen girls to do anything. we're so lucky to have Justin Bieber teaching us AP Physics this year.

* Zoe hands a phone wrapped in two sandwich buns to Maya. Maya eats the phone sandwich whole.

* Pill: do you not see the 1984 cameras everywhere? I'm disappointed in you, Zoe, I see a lot of me in you when I was your age.
Zoe: a lot of misdirected energy and untapped potential and latent intelligence and the possibility of becoming valedictorian if I do my homework?
Pill: no, being a giant b.

* Jack: I don't know where we went wrong, I thought we had lesbian telepathy.
Imogen: we do.
Jack: okay then what am I thinking right now?
Imogen: don't know but I know what your mom is thinking right now cos she's a lesbian...

* Lola: my stomach is sick.
Frankie: maybe there's something on your conscience?
Lola throws up all over the hallowed Degrassi school halls.
Lola: nah, I just ate one of Zoe's cafeteria phone sandwiches. oh and I kissed Winston.

* Chewy: Frankie, I kissed Lola but it's not what you think.
Frankie: wow, you're really a much better actor when you use that low, breathy, whispery sexy voice.

* Miles: got any nail-polish remover?
Zoe: in my backpocket where my hot ass is. how do you do it, Miles? isn't bring a loner lonely?
Miles: I'm rich, I can afford to be a recluse. I also smoke a ton of weed.
Zoe: let me guess, the nail-polish remover is for the gum?
Miles: for me actually. they were gonna do this plotline where I turn goth but scrapped it at the last minute going to Family Channel so now my fingernails are black for no reason.

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