Friday, July 24, 2015

Degrassi "Give Me One Reason" Episode Discussion


* Hunter: Arlene, you're my bitch!
Arlene storms off.
Imogen: um, that's not how you talk to girls.
Hunter: it's not? oh, my father's not the best're lucky you're cute, Arlene, cos your weird baby voice is making my ears bleed...better?

* Clare: if I was worthy then I'm worthy now.
Eli: you're Goldsworthy........sorry just trying to lighten the do you want to get married?

* Tiny: you kissed her mom? brofist, bro. wait, I never knew you were into those types?
Zig: what types? milfs?
Tiny: no, women who need walk around...
Tiny looks at Grace. Grace stares back at Tiny disapprovingly.
Tiny: uh, never mind.

* Eli: I may like dead grapes, Clare, but at least I don't like dead animal carcass.
clerk at the front counter: do you two lovebirds want some Baby Ruths?
Eli: dude...

* Maya: but where will you live now?
Zig: Zoe's.

* Hunter: manga!
Arlene: Murica!
Hunter: manga!
Arlene: Murica!
Hunter: why did our useless squabble have to let all the air out of the balloon after we witnessed that sublime performance from Aislinn and Munro, our two most gifted actors?
Arlene: IKR? those two are drama pros, I was sitting up here watching them and just marveling. we may be fellow castmates but we're also fans. I want Munro's autograph, he's hot....oh but you're still my best friend.
Hunter: so I've just been friendzoned?
Arlene: no you've just been best-friendzoned.

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