Monday, May 11, 2015

SNL Reese Witherspoon / Florence + the Machine Episode Discussion


* Mom Montage Monologue: best monologue the show has ever done and i didn't laugh once. i am concerned that Cecily so readily gave up "cocaine" at age 13.

* Picture Perfect Draw The Clue Pictionary game show thing: not funny, not funny at all, this is serious.

* High School Theatre Show: see this isn't funny so much as it is needed. listen, take it from me, being a high-school theatre geek is the last time you're gonna have the opportunity to be earnest about the serious issues of our world without being laughed off the stage. i say go for it.

* Southern Ladies: they should have started with the robbery and the tweest at the end is that they're all angels.

* Water Slide: Kyle and Beck, this is for you, you two alone: i love you guys, but this is your first out-and-out dud. it bombed. so let's all bomb together, let's hold hands and cannonball into the water. see, wasn't that refreshing?

* Whiskers R We: you have to really go in there and caress her tit. sorry, but you have to commit to the comedy bit.

* Florence + the Machine: the coolest ginger this side of Karen Gillan. her stage presence, her electric voice, the vibrato of it all, the sneaky guitar. the stool. imagine if she had actually gotten out of that stool. she wanted to, she wanted to breakdance but Lorne said no.

* Mr. Westerberg: not funny, not funny at all, only funny if you're a fan of dark humor.

* Goodnights: don't thank Lorne, moms are all that matter.

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