Thursday, January 15, 2015

Law & Order SVU "Agent Provocateur" Episode Discussion


* love their lingerie.

* Jack Noseworthy: want some pot, cops? it's medicinal i swear.
Amaro: where is she?
Jack: dunno, i'm out of it.
Ice-T: how bout you put on a shirt first, champ.
Jack: hey didn't you do that song about killing...?
Fin: uhuhuhuhuhuhuh i'm Fin now.
Jack: i'm gay. not that that has to do with anything.
Amaro: hey weren't you on that short-lived MTV sci-fi show? what was that called again?
Jack: Dead At 21.
Amaro: omg yes! dude, i fell in love with Noseworthy from that, everyone did!

* James Franco: why you hatin? not everyone can be a Renaissance man.
Carisi: you're a police problem, polymath. see what i did there?
Amaro: hey James Franco, this isn't a movie.
Carisi: it's a tv show.
James Franco: this is so meta right now.

* trailer: coming soon: in a world where all of the Law & Order franchises are gone, the magnificent mothership show i want to be beamed up to right now, gorgeous Goren on CI who made insanity cool again, even lavish LA which i thought got a bum rap and had Alana de la Garza, Alana people!, one woman named Olivia Benson carries the entire legacy on her strong shoulders, but in her quiet moments when she thinks back to the heartbroken Liv and Elliot shippers, she can only be comforted by a certain wild blonde named Rollins...and they kiss...also in 3D in limited theatres. rated X.

* Barba: all bat and no balls.
Harvey Levin: where's the respect? i'm a lawyer like you. i'll have you know i carry around this bat cos i'm a failed pro baseball player.

* co-star: hey, i can't lie to the cops, i just got done playing a lawyer.
Patti LuPone: good thing we turned down the script where you play a priest.

* girl: i know this is, like, my fourth retelling of what happened, but i did it all cos i'm in love with James Franco.
girl's mother: it's okay, honey, just tell the truth. while we're all telling the truth, the truth is i'm not your mother, Patti LuPone is.
girl: James Franco is never gonna guest-star on an upcoming episode of SVU, huh.

* co-star: are you my mommy?
Patti LuPone: yes, baby, i'm your mommy in every way you want. i'm everyone's mommy...

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