Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Degrassi "Firestarter Part 2" Episode Discussion


* Miles's dad throws a mug at Miles and Hunter.
Miles's dad: dammit that was my favorite mug.
Miles: dad, seriously, why are you such a psycho?
Miles's dad: i'm really just your standard politician.

* Eli: i know i called you a whore, but i've matured. okay, fair's fair, you can straight-up call me to my face a Swiftie.

* Zoe: Zig, is that you? time to consummate Novas.
Chewy: come on, that's the oldest trick in the book.
Zoe: why are you talking like Bane? and wait, this is a plastic knife! come on, that's the oldest trick in the book.
Chewy: i'm not really into IRL violence, i mostly do my damage as an internet troll.

* Zoe: this could be the smoke talking, but i will confess.
Zoe: officer, i have something to tell you: it was all Frankie's fault.
Frankie: this seriously puts a strain on our reconciliation later in the season when we pretend none of this stuff ever happened.
Zoe (points at herself): hello, actress.

* Miles's mother: but why would he attack you for no reason?
Miles's mother: i just can't believe that.
Miles: y'know what, mom, i can see i didn't get any good genes from you.

* Miles motions to punch his father in the face.
Miles's dad: go ahead, do it.
Miles: i can't, you're just too pretty, i see where i get my looks from.

* Lola: hey, you want to rejoin the squad?
Becky: sure, my leg is healed.
Lola: how about your other leg?
Becky breaks that same leg on her first routine back.
Becky: goddammit!

* Maya: come on, Miles, we have to get out of here!
Miles: go on, i'll catch up, just a few rolls and a few tokes. shame to let this conflagration go to waste.

* Eli: you thought i was capable of burning down the whole school?
Clare: yeah, remember when we were dating and you were telling me how you were gonna burn down the whole school?

* Hunter: no, dad, we're waiting for mom to come pick us up.
Hunter's dad: i've got mint chocolate chip in the carrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Frankie: no, you fucked up my brothers for life, was all this worth it for your campaign?
Frankie's dad: uh, yeahhhhhhhhh. honestly, though, looking back the only truly fun time i had was when i cheated on your mother with my hot secretary.
Miles: we are starving and are gonna eat alone just the three of us. you are no longer a part of this family.
Miles's dad: as soon as i become President i'm gonna deport all of you.

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