Monday, December 7, 2015

Mike Tyson Mysteries "Old Man of the Mountain" Episode Discussion


* Yung: you're drinking vodka before noon?
Marquess: it's brunch somewhere in the world.
Yung: but not here.
Marquess: i'm a ghost. time has no meaning for me.

* the messenger pigeon nuzzles up to Pigeon.
Pigeon: sorry, babe, same-species sex is for the birds.

* Pigeon: why are all these slips of paper depressing sob stories?
Yung: tumblr's fault.

* Marquess: would you like to hear the origin story of the term shotgun?
Mike: if it doesn't involve Kurt Cobain i ain't interested.

* brother: my senile old man is obsessed with the Abominable Snowman. also, Hitler was abominable, whoops, sorry...

* brother: he should live with you!
sister: he should live with you!
Mike: i hate fighting.

* the gang get there and see the old man has frozen to death outside in the cold.

* Mike: i heard burning to death is worse than freezing to death. or maybe it's the other way around. but do you know what's really painful? getting eaten by King Hippo.

* Pigeon stares at the grieving sister's vagina.
sister: hey! my breasts are up here!

* the gang see the swastikas in the father's secret room.
Mike: oh your pops was a Buddhist?

* the old man defrosts and goes after Marquess with an ax.
Marquess: why am i scared? why am i running? i'm already a ghost. i really need to stop drinking.
the Abominable Snowman eats the old racist man and holds up a sign that reads December 18th.

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