Monday, December 14, 2015

Mike Tyson Mysteries "Jason B. Sucks" Episode Discussion


* title got me again in the end, Show.

* Pigeon: hey Marquess, do you like your cream extra thick?
Marquess: yes, especially with my pigeon under glass.

* Mike: the internet has made the nerds the jocks of this brave new crappy society. time for me to go to school and hit the books with one of my patented devastating uppercuts.

* Yung: apparently the guy did ask for our help. this slip of paper proves it. poor pigeon that carried it was too fat to fit through the door.
Mike: not our fault. the words on the paper are faded. this guy used invisible ink.

* the team go to the froyo shop and the dry cleaners.
Marquess: we would make excellent stalkers.

* Pigeon: can i play with your tits?
Marquess: you do realize Yung is Mike's daughter?
Pigeon: i ain't scared. it's easy to beat Mike Tyson. just gotta wait for his eyes to blink then pow!

* Marquess: have you noticed all the cartoons lately have been noting how easy it is to get guns?
Mike: it's not that big of a societal problem. sure people get shot but then they realize they were vampires all along and fly away.

* Jason B: my wife must have bitten me when we had rough sex.
Pigeon: mind if i sit in next time? i'll post a positive review, i swear!

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