Monday, October 12, 2015

Doctor Who "Before the Flood" Episode Discussion


* or is it After?

* Clara: but you can always change things, right?
the Doctor: Clara, i'm afraid i'm dead, that event has already happened.
Clara: no...NOOOOOOOO!...............can you at least go back to when the decision was made about the sunglasses and change that?

* the Doctor: what is Ghost Doctor mumbling?
Cass: it's a list of names, that's it.
the Doctor: interesting.......i'm thinking it's the chances each of you has of landing the next Star Wars movie, least to greatest.

* Bennett: yeah you care when it's Clara but what about poor O'Donnell?
the Doctor (reading his cards): i'm sorry for the loss of your pet.............listen, i get it, i thought she was hot, too.

* Bennett: i just want to tell O'Donnell i love her...
the Doctor: you can't! the time paradox thing, remember? this has nothing to do with me being jealous.

* Ghost O'Donnell takes Clara's iphone.

* the Fisher King: see, this is not Alien at all, i can talk.

* the Fisher King: others will do the dirty work for me...
the Doctor: sorry if i'm not intimidated but you really just look like a really tall dude in a rubber suit. Neil, is that you? missed you at the pub last night.
the Fisher King: yeah i was preparing for a role on some show, decided to shoot some hoops alone to clear my mind.

* Bennett: hey Cass, Lunn, fuck already. say i love you to her.
Lunn: i love you.
Cass: Bennett loves me?
Lunn: no, I love you.
Bennett: wait, do you love me, Cass? i could make that work.
Cass: no.
Bennett: oh. what am i gonna do without O'Donnell?
Clara: you have to move on, always move on, there're plenty more fish under the lake, sometimes they're just under your nose...
Bennett: so do you want to hook up here or in the Faraday cage?
Clara: no, i didn't mean me, i'm leaving the show soon.

* the Doctor: the question is, who came up with the bootstrap paradox in the first place? google it. but who came up with google in the first place? the answer to all your questions causally loops back to one man and one man alone: Moffat.

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