Monday, December 15, 2014

Saturday Night Live Martin Freeman / Charli XCX Episode Discussion


* i'm gonna wrap this show up with one tiny bow: nostalgia. many of the skits brought me back to earlier days in my life, happier times, or at least more innocent times, and for that, Show, i am grateful and bow.

* Sump'n Claus: love it, it's the participation trophy, it's the good kind of socialism. but you forgot one important person: Satan. Satan's gift. The Church Lady would be so disappointed.

* The Office: the good Office, the original one, the British one, the one that created Gervais who would later go on to revitalize the Muppets, the one that made eczema fashionable again, heartfelt songs on acoustic guitar were allowed to be not gay. it all came flooding back: the Scotch egg, the jello stapler, the MC Hammer shit dance. that show was the first comedy since, oh i dunno, The Cosby Show (i know but y'know), where i pored over every line and every motion, every scene of every episode, it was art i engulfed. got me reinterested in British comedy, in comedy in general (i was getting dark with the drama), and the touch of DVDs. made me check out old Monty Python youtubes i hadn't seen before.

* Church: as a (relapsed) Catholic, this struck me (down) as few skits ever have. i mean, it was pitch perfect about the liturgical Mass, awkward up-and-down tonal singing, that beautifully damned organ, tourists who cram the pews only on Christmas and Easter, the funky ways priests try to stay hip with their sermons, and the best part: sneaking a peek at Father's home built into the church as an adjacent wing like some underground bunker and only seeing the front-entrance table. oh my god that was classic! for decades i filled my free time wondering how exactly a priest's house looked like: what were the furnishings? did he have cross bedsheets and a mini stained glass window over the minibar? hey, did anyone else as an altarboy drink all that stored altar wine backstage before showtime or was that just me?

* Sasheer's emojis: fantastic. let her shine, Show, let her keep doing stuff like this, she's magnificent! as a recent instaaddict, i feel her completely: it's time for an Expansion 2.0 patch, time for a whole new set: i still can't believe there's no butterfly (caterpillar but no butterfly), no chess/checkers board nor pieces, no bubbles. i feel naked when i'm in the bubblebath and take a pic and post it to insta but can't add a bubbles symbol.

* Charli XCX: has an outstanding body. and looks like Lorde. so she's Randy Marsh. ya ya ya.

* cut for time: Santa Traps: santaburgers sound good right about now...

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