Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Degrassi "Hero vs. Villain" Episode Discussion


* Zoe: i'm a fabulous actress.
Lola: you are? i'm still new here, i only know you as a cheerleader.
Zoe: i'll put it to you this way: i'm not Zoe Rivas. this entire time i've just been playing Zoe Rivas. my real name is Tessa Campanelli.
Lola: fuckin'.

* Clare: i don't want to tell Drew. i don't want to tell Eli.
Alli: whom do you want to tell?
Clare: Mama Torres. this show's still a drama, right?

* Miles: where did you get this sushi?
Tristan: the gas station.
Miles: where did you get this origami?
Tristan: i bought it. it's the thought that counts, though, right?
Miles: where did you get that robe?
Tristan: i stole it out of your closet.
Miles: i love you.
Tristan: you're a horrible person.
Miles: where's my weed?

* Drew: are you stupid?!
Clare: no, i'm just not the best math student.

* Alli: i was gonna have sex with you, but now i'm not!
Dallas starts to cry.
Clare: whoa, whoa, whoa. Alli, that's just cold.

* Eli: Clare, you are a whore.
Clare: i'm interested to see how the Degrassi facebook page handles this. will they post a picture of you saying i'm a whore in big white letters?
Eli: ho ho ho
Clare: okay, i get it! when did you become such an unfeeling asshole?
Eli: no, hohoho, merry Christmas! how was your Christmas, Clare? did you get everything you were asking for?

* Zoe (holding Hunter by the scruff of his neck): well?
Hunter: hey, watch the neck flesh!
Zoe: well?
Hunter: i know not of the net flesh.

* Zoe takes a picture of Frankie's tits.
Frankie: what the fuck, you villain! you have irreparably violated me!
Zoe: relax, i'm posting this on the front page of our official cheerleading website, not Degrassi Nudes.

* Tristan: it's obvious you're still in love with Maya, i see how you look at her.
Miles: no, i just have a phone fetish.

* Principal Simpson: Zoe, my office.
Zoe (tears in her eyes): what for, sir?
Principal Simpson: i want to try those cupcakes of yours you're always raving about.

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