Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saturday Night Live Josh Hutcherson / HAIM Episode Discussion


* this is new tonight? i'm still solely focused on that Doctor Who special...

* i'd rather watch a real-life Battle Royale between SNL cast members than this SNL show. the Doctor thing again...

* Josh Hutcherson isn't short, the world is too long.

* HAIM: if Veruca Salt were an indie, experimental, garage band. R.I.P. Corey Haim.

* anyone else get that lack of video with the audio alignment debacle at the start of the bugs-interview skit? or was it just me buggin'?

* two skits tonight made me cry rather than laugh: the animal hospital one wasn't funny, i just thought back to my late Persian kittie. the one where the dude held up the obsolete video-camera recorder reminded me of my late great beautiful father. he used to do that with the recorder, too, sometimes forgot to take off the black cap before recording. love you all.

* last skit: love conquers all...except cannibalism.


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