Thursday, October 10, 2013

Degrassi "You Got Me" Episode Discussion


* oh, Degrassi, you got me, you got me, *clutches chest in over-the-top, over-dramatic death sequence*.

* whoa, Zig...i mean...he's a '50s street tough now.

* life is about two things: sex and death. for men, life is about one thing: sex. notice Drew's hallucination: sure, the hallucination is about the death of Adam, but really, Drew is mostly being affected by the person delivering that message: Clare, his forbidden fruit.

* side effects of sleeping pills: lost memory, oversleeping, and late-night cell-phone sexy stuff

* Leo check: still in check, flashes of anger, but mostly flashdancing

* the look of the dance, combined with all the film promos, got me in the mood to see Carrie again...the original classic, the good one.

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