* AGAIN! THAT'S TWICE NOW! this show did it to me again! i love this show! no other show would do this! first it was the unexpected and juicy referencing of of all things Degrassi!---which crossfit and tied up two of my passions here at this blog in a nice tight pink bow---and now we have the referencing of SKINS. my beloved SKINS. no, Redbot H.E.L.P.eR, SKINS is better than advertised, it is the greatest amalgam of angst, ancient anxiety, and teenage triumph ever put on film. sure, it's a show about young people fucking and drugging, but it made me love again.
* or the Inamorata Conspiracy for you Dan Brown conspiracists out there.
* first time crying while watching The Venture Bros. you'd have thunk it would have happened before by now..
* Rusty: can you stop Mad Maxing it for one minute while i dust off this assassination of Lincoln's rhetoric?
Brock: Doc we wear these masks not to look cool, our planet under your stewardship has gone to pot. like, there's no more air, just pot fumes in the atmosphere.
Rusty: hey don't blame me. what can you do when world leaders think the Left invented science?
* Gathers: ever wonder how i'm able to have a grip on you despite being way shorter than you, boy?
Brock: you're pinching my nuts. with your iron claw.
* overheard at the party: "did you see the Doc McStuffins Halloween special? Doc McStuffins was a riot in it!"
* overheard at the party: "BB gun..."
Brock: not now.
* Snoopy, James Snoopy.
* Rusty: i call this summit to order. at the site of our last nuclear war. which side wants to play Kim and which Trump?
Rusty: hey man, blow that horn like you're a jazz bandleader who sets out saucers of milk before each show for the alley cats and doesn't need snuff to play cos he saw Bacall naked changing one time.
horn guy: Rusty Trumpet, got it.
* Sheila: the bottom line is when people start getting killed, it's not so much fun cosplay anymore.
* Dean: i'm at your cabin in the woods, Ben. why is there always only one cabin in the woods?
Ben: cos.
Dean: Ben? Ben Kenobi?
Redbot H.E.L.P.eR: ER?
Dean: don't go there.
Brock: not now.
Red Helper: no, Benskins as in the pack of liquor smokes.
* exposed android: it's not what you think. not a man, not a robot, and the exposed is the wires on my head.
Mystery OSI: you're cute, your head is like those bubble lawnmower toys kids play with, with the air underneath and the small colorful balls swirling around whenever it gets pushed. it looks like i'm transgender! this is gonna be so cool! ny name is...uh...Bruce.
Guild Stranger android: oh yeah, i saw you on the Wheaties box.
* Hank: Dermott? how is it we're the same age but you're like three sizes bigger than me? puberty is not fair! did you ever get to roll that cheese down the grassy hill as was your lifetime dream?
Dermott: nah, i got concussed trying it so now i just slide down piles of wet raincoats, it's still kinda fun. i can't headbang anymore cos i don't know where i am.
Hank: wait, what's 2nd Base for a woman?
Dermott: prenup.
* Red Helper: so they massproduced us and threw us way like yesterday's garbage.
Dean: like the vacuum-cleaner. nobody vacuums anymore. Redbot Helper, are you scared of dying?
Red Helper: no. i love my life with Ben. i'm into living right now. when i approach death is when i'll be scared of dying. how do you like being a clone?
Dean: can't tell the difference.
* Red Helper: would you mind getting into these clown pants with the hula-hoop for the PP belt? it's the easiest way to dry yourself by the fire.
* Rusty: my dad and Walt Disney shared something in common: their heads are presently packed in ice, and they were terrible fathers. that's the price of genius. um, excuse me, can we get off our phones for one minute while you listen to speechifying greatness?
Sheila: i'm ordering the mud. can't have barebacked wrestling without the mud.
Rusty: i'm gonna call you they and their from now on, makes things easier.
* Bruce: before we start, got any hangups? we're in a hangar so...
* Bruce: i can't make love to you!
Guild Stranger: i am so sorry. you had such a nice ass, too, it's such a waste.
Bruce: why do you have a PP where your butt is?
Guild Stranger: this is why your creator shoud never have a sense of humor. think about it, what if God got drunk?
* Guild twins: my god, man, we threw a pencil at you and you threw it back all chewed up. that's disgusting.
Snoopy: i was trying to sharpen it for you but i got nervous. with my teeth, my teeth chattered. then i was in a pinch so i used Woodstock's hair.
* Shore Leave: my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. dammit, where'd our new OSI boy go?!
Phantom Limb: i drink milk from a bottle. in the most manly way possible.
* Rusty: all you idiots are babies! BABIES pure and simple. baby want a bottle?
Phantom Limb: yes.
Rusty: the name of the game in life, adult life anyway, is COMPROMISE. what's that sound?
Dean: the sound of settling.
Rusty: good boy, Dean, you're listening to those records i got you!
* Dean: so my dad's a clone?
Red Helper: whoops, i wasn't supposed to tell you that! my face is all red.
Dean: wait, so which Skins are you talking about? the British one or the MTV...
Red Helper: you better not finish that fucking sentence with anything other than ...Spider-Man...
Dean: i love you, Bot i mean Pop.
* Dean: so did Terri ever get justice?
Red Helper: thank god i never get headaches. i never watched The New Class. the only thing Degrassi i ever cared about was that Halloween special where Claude comes back from Hell to avenge his death and burn down the school, that episode should have won the Canadian Emmy.
* Hank: what does PP mean?
Sheila: peepee.
Hank laughs under his breath.
Dean: no really, what does PP mean?
Sheila: peepee. like dick. cock. y'know, vacuum.
* Rusty: proud of your pop? nice weather we're having......that summit had nothing to do with the current political climate.....i hate how EVERYTHING'S now just something else.......maybe we're just actually having a nice day, you know? it's good weather, it's good climate! come on, Dean, join your father at the Jaws pier for a selfie.
* Sheila: we got a mole in the ranks............that reminded me of Anderson Cooper's show on ABC. that Anderson is so handsome, i love his white hair!
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