Saturday, September 29, 2018

Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel "Tech Support"


* we'll all been there, huh

* National International Worldwide Day of Play? today? or is that giant beachball everywhere on my screen a glitch or an unwanted screensaver?

* Brody: so you're Emma? interesting, another hot Asian named Emma in Power Rangers who is not a Ranger like the last Emma but wants to be.
Emma: i'm a better actor, too, i'm more emotive than she was.
Brody: yeah i never got that with the previous Emma. looks like that's just online bashing after the fact cos she did porn and won't answer their DMs.

* secretary: so i won't have to look through all these binders full of women for my porn?

* Victor Vincent: oh yeah, my 50th-trophy thing, thought they dropped that arc and everyone forgot about that. that will obviously be my conclusion in this series...
Monty: your 50th trophy will be me.

* Emma: so i'm just gonna come right out and say it, i'm one of those Asians who craves desperately for there to be equal representation in media. we're not all techie nerds, we want to be the superhero, too.
Brody: you got a nice butt in those jeans, that's a start, right?

* Brody: Emma, fix my phone but don't look through it...
Typeface: *computer-based pun threat*

* Monty: we're sure to win the science fair! with this Battleborgs thing i made for the pool!
Victor: it's working, Monty! look at that masse shot! like that guy with the beard does it on tv on ESPN Ocho!
Monty: yeah the key to my inventions is let it go once then shut it down. don't destroy it, just turn the OFF switch.

* Emma: whoa! look at me go! i'm obviously the Silver Ranger, right?
Chip Lynne: you're not Rubenesque enough to be one of our girls.
Emma: no need to thank me, Rangers, just DM me your naked selfies later.
Calvin: naked selfies?
Emma: yeah, your unmasked selfies.

* Madame Odius: Comcast Support? hello, i've been calling for days. two-to-four hour window? i'm looking out my window right now, from space!
Typeface: i'm here. what seems to be the problem, ma'am?
Odius: can you fix my tv reception so i DON'T get that infernal Cosmo Royale game show?

* Sarah: i'm gonna blindfold you...............this has nothing to do with BDSM...

* Emma: this blindfold is sexy! much sexier than my glasses when it comes to covering my eyes.
Redbot: so you think a human can best me, a robot!? you stupid witch!!
Emma: *shakes hands* i read your Red book...
Redbot: ...oh i mean you are so beautiful.
Emma: what's this Thor hammer with the tuft of hair?
Redbot: you'll never see that again. Mick can only do that trick once.

* Brody: wow, Emma, you're like a regular computer ninja!
Emma: i work for Comcast. and don't patronize me, there's no computer ninja, just look at me, say it to my eyes, you don't want me on the team. don't treat me like i'm fucking Snarf.

* Badonna: YEAH BOI! heck yeah! shit, you guys thought i couldn't kick ass, huh!? thought i was just another pretty mask.

* Emma: i don't get it. Badonna had lasers and i had this wooden time i'll use my metal sword!

* Brody: okay, we're gonna spin you blind around in circles on this motorcycle for like an hour to pretend that you're going to the hidden location of our secret lair. in truth, you'll never leave the junkyard....dammit!
Hayley: damn you dumb, son.

Typeface: no, not Kerning! anything but KERNING!!! i'm melting!...............

* Emma: so i guess the lesson for me is that i CAN'T exceed my expectations. i was born to be a geek.
Brody: hey, if it's any consolation, you still have a nice butt. that's more than most girls have going for them.
Emma: pretty sure i'm on some New Zealand soap-opera where i play the siren who has that exotic Chinese-Australian accent going on.
Brody: no tits yet but you're not fully-grown. so you didn't scroll through my phone, right?

* Victor and Monty: okay guys, we did it this time. it's called a vending machine! for food!
Monty: remember, it only works once. get yourself a plate of a dish that combines all six foods, delicious! quinoa oatmeal oatmeal-cookies pizza spaghetti nachos is the best!
Victor: wait, it's the end of the episode, something bad always happens to us. i got it! i'll close this mailslot door here so the machine will malfunction but nothing will sputter out and hit our classmates' faces in a sticky splash.
Monty: Victor, you're a bit of a slot slut, aren't you.
Levi: i appreciate the white stiff on my face but not on my just-ironed ten-gallon cowboy hat.

* Brody: so that whole thing with the mysterious longshoreman by the docks filming us? what happened to that threadline in this story?
Preston: never resolved. gonna be used for our series finale, a very special dark episode about stalking to premiere at Christmastime.

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