Monday, July 27, 2015

Degrassi "I Wanna Be Adored" Episode Discussion


* Alli: but we even made novelty rubber cut-off ears that the prom patrons wear like a hat which squirt out fruit punch.

* Tristan: what should I put on my profile?
Zoe: say you're into rich good-looking guys with that devilish smile.
Tristan: okay I'm not that shallow but good sex is good sex.
Zoe: say you're sorry for being a bitch but maybe second time's the charm.
Tristan: what? if you wanted Miles's number you coulda just asked.

* Vince: do a song and dance for me, boy.
Zig does his campy musical showtune with the tear down his cheek and everything.
Vince: see? the initiation to get back into the gang wasn't that bad.
Zig: things sure have changed since last time.

* Tristan: I can't pretend anymore, it's more tiring than hiking trails.
Tristan's date: same. I'm more into cooking. you like sunchokes?
Tristan: nah I'm not into that kinky stuff.

* Clare: you brought me flowers? do just friends buy flowers for one another? I'm not sure.
Alli: the guy at the shop said yellow denotes friendship.
Clare: no, it denotes hot and sweaty sapphic scissoring, let's do this! let's go, right here on the kitchen counter.

* Maya: what's that I heard in the background? sounded like someone yelling "POLICE!"
Zig: nah that was just the pizza guy saying "CHEESE". we're setting up for the next scene. we gotta pay the rent somehow. at least it's not drugs.

* Zig: I can't believe you guys dragged me back into the white-stuff trade.
Vince: if we don't move these baggies of flour, no pizza gets made in the entire city. you wanna know the secret? put the cheese in the dough BEFORE you bake it...

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