Saturday, August 26, 2017

Power Rangers Ninja Steel "Poisonous Plots"


* my screen just went blank...

* kid Aiden: i saw Dad turn into a Power Ranger! the only catch was he was the Pink Ranger.

* Aiden's dad: i am here to cool green long-buggy car with the '60s peace stickers from evil like you!

* Aiden: i boarded a train after seeing the film Lion...

* Mick: the Ranger hideout is off-limits.
Aiden: why?
Mick: that's where i keep my personal computer.
Brody: embarrassing cat videos?
Mick: my embarrassing neko-girl porn videos.

* Sarah: scarecrow?
Calvin: you ugly.

* Hayley: stop, bitch!
Aiden: what's the matter? can't take the heat?!
Levi: no, i can't take the weird sudden mood-whiplash of your character.

* Hayley: your chocolate pyramid looks like a huge pile of smelly poo.
Levi: sorry, that's mine. i'm still new around this school, where are the bathrooms?

* Monty: with this glue...
Victor: you're a gluesniffer, too?

* Victor: you stupid mall cops couldn't hear my cries for help!!?
security guard: sorry. had my headphones on. Kendrick speaks to my struggle. we both like Grey Poupon. what is your plea?
Victor: EAT ME OUT!!!

* Toxitea: why are my boobs a tea kettle?
Madame Odius: you exist to serve me..............tea.
Toxitea: you said i could meet Lex Luthor...

* Mick: okay, put him on the silver table, i'm almost done scrubbing my porn files.
Aiden: you need to give up your power stars.
Preston: we can't, babe, one life for the lives of millions?
Aiden: but this is Brody. he's a national treasure. he's the greatest actor of his generation.

* Monty: what were you two doing in here alone?
Levi: poo-pourri.

* Brody: this tea tastes like purple drank...

* Toxitea: joke's on you! i'm a girl, chocolate invigorates me!

* Brody: i like how you treat your sword like a guitar.
Levi: this is my guitar.
Brody: why does an adult like you have a burger phone?
Levi: i literally thought this was the only phone which did selfies.

* Toxitea: this is your last chance! before i charge you an exorbitant price for hot salad water!

* Hayley: Aiden we need to apologize.
Aiden: no worries, i know the chocolate is Levi's shit.
Sarah: this chocolate is so good!
Hayley: no about prejudging you this morning.
Aiden: all of this took place in one day?

* Victor: there is nothing, and i mean nothing, scarier than a bunch of kids running towards you.

* Madame Odius: why you laughing?
Aiden: cos i'm a secretly-evil double-agent!
Madame Odius: that's not why i created you. you're my cabana boy. fetch me my tea.

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