Monday, November 16, 2015

Doctor Who "Sleep No More" Episode Discussion


* do i have to do this if the episode is bad? just kidding, i wasn't smart enough to understand it.

* the Doctor: you can't just put Space in front of every word.
Clara: so this episode isn't Space Under the Lake? Space Cloverfield?

* Phoenix: sleep is essential to me. in fact it's the only thing i can count on in this life. it's not a rainy-day friend but a nighttime friend. i love it more than eating. i would never willingly do with less of it just to fill some work quota.
scientist: time is money.
Phoenix: but what if i'm a pot-smoking layabout all day long?
scientist: can i interest you in senior management? our company needs a CEO...

* Clara: Morpheus? like the god of dreams?
scientist: yes.
Clara (circles face): see? i'm not just this.
the Doctor: no, you're that butt you keep going on about.

* Clara knocks on the pod.
Clara: it's okay, you can get out now.
scientist: i'd rather stay inside here forever thank you. have you been watching the news? Earth is doomed.
the pod (music): Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream...
the Doctor knocks the pod.
the pod (music): sleep with one eye open gripping your pillow tight...

* Chopra: i should have listened to my mother and become a spiritual guru.
474: what is spirit?
Chopra; it's complicated. what's your favorite poem, 474?
474: what is poem?
Chopra: you're the gentlest killing machine i know. it's a good thing you're on our side.
474: what is side?
Chopra: aw shit

* Clara: i'm naming the eye-booger monster of the week Sandman.
the Doctor: i name the monsters.
Clara: sorry, Michelangelo.
the Doctor: wait, i see more monsters! there's a brown one made of mucus, Mucus Man. a red one made of blood, Pigment Pete.......and there's a white one...
Clara: can i name that one?
the Doctor: uh, no, let's just run away.

* Nagata shoots.
Clara: is that your answer to everything?!
Nagata: relax, it's a water gun, just trying to lighten the mood.

* scientist: hello, me again from the opening. so..........we are the monsters we seek to destroy? it was all a dream?
Moffat: i do have the dream life.
First Doctor: don't involve me in this mess!
Eccleston starts to laugh heartily. Matt Smith joins him.
Clara: i'll never forgive you, Matt, you abandoned me.
Matt: sorry, babe, i'm a ginger-chaser. i am in rehab.
Clara: so glad i'm leaving soon.
Capaldi: really wished i hadn't signed that lifetime contract.
scientist: wait, i've got it. okay, let's just start over. Scene 1: it was a dark and stormy night...

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