Saturday, September 16, 2017

Power Rangers Ninja Steel "The Royal Rival"


* spoilers: 7th Ranger

* or the royal AR-rival

* Levi: wait that means it's imbalanced. there won't be even couples.
Preston: i always thought you and i, cowboy...
Redbot: i saw him first! when he was a boy! we were locked in the ship boiler-room together.

* Sarah: you can eat any cookie you want. except mine.

* Victor: i never had a mom who got mad at me. i never had a mom. that's why i'm the school bully.
Monty: i'll be your mom, Victor.
Victor: i never had my mom's cookie.

* Victor: give me your lunch, Monty. without the money.
Monty: my mom made it.
Victor: don't rub it in. let's see how you do with fish, broocoli, and liver.
Monty: that's a dead fish.
Victor: that's what your cellmate's gonna call you in prison. we go to prison this episode.

* teacher: and where's YOUR business proposal?
Victor: if i'm good do i get an A?

* Cosmo: the Voltron Lion Galaxy!...sorry...

* monster crowd: is it Princess Diana?
Cosmo: no.
monster crowd: not interested.

* Princess Viera: i thought i would be wearing a flowing dress. you really can't tell what this show is just from reading the script.

* Sarah: carrot and chicken cookie?
girl: pregnant.

* Victor: how does this cow work? do i tickle its butt?
Monty: that's not how you make milk. i'm typing "milk" in the searchbox.
Victor: careful with some of those sites.
Victor gets doused with milk.
Victor: please tell me this is milk.
cop: nope. that's leftover cum from the porn we film on these same sets at night.

* Preston: i'll use my magic to cut the carrots faster.
Mick: lazy foreigner! you're not supposed to use your Ranger powers for evil.

* Drillion: I AM DRILLION!
Sarah: forget it, dude.

* Sarah: oh no! that person's falling. for five minutes.
after the commercial break
Sarah: good thing i had these bad CGI vines up my sleeve.

* whoa. Carmelo's got a shirt with LeBron James. Russell Brand, and Thom Yorke on it.

* Galvanax: look, Drillion, when Princess Foofoo here is done deliberating in a thoughtful measured way and opts for a non-violent response, it's time for a real leader to take command if you catch my drift.
Drillion: i hate politics.
Galvanax: perfect. more Trump, less Clinton.

* Sarah: you hot in street clothes. got that goth thing going on.
Viera: i'm not a lesbian but can i just say.................i mean the ass................your ass is alien.
Sarah: thanks for being my one billionth Instagram follower.

* why the thief have to be brown?...

Sarah: you a Whitehead, too?
Viera: i'm nothing like those racist monsters.
Sarah: no, T.H. White, The Once and Future King

* Billy: i had to drop out of school to feed my kid. my kid sis.
Sarah: here's my cookie cart.
Billy: so i don't have to go back to school?
Sarah: nah, school's a waste of time. just become a Power Ranger and you're set for life.

* Viera: keep fighting as long as you can, i have an idea. i stole the Voltron Torso after Princess Allura dumped me. we had a lot in common.

* Madame Odius: keep a lookout for Princess Viera. she's trying to steal my woman power on the show.

* Drillion: i'm like WAY stronger than anything you've ever faced! i better not be a one-shot! i better come back!

* Viera: there were always hushed rumors about Power Rangers just being a Voltron ripoff. now those rumors are confirmed!

* Viera: you can't destroy the Lion Ship.
Lion Ship crashes and explodes.

* Billy: i even reenrolled in school.
Sarah: why?
teacher: S&P said we had to for a kid's show. if Nickelodeon cancels us, we literally have nowhere else to go. this show is poison. security, get this brown kid off the school grounds!

* Law & Order: Victor & Monty
Victor: well hello Mariska Hargitay, why is your fine ass on this set?
Mariska: Dick Wolf's a dick. this is the only way we can continue with SVU. SVU has been going on for so long everyone hates it now. even me. the show is poison.

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