Monday, September 28, 2015

Doctor Who "The Witch's Familiar" Episode Discussion


* Missy (sharpening stick) i'm gonna eat you..................oh, wasn't trying to make that sound as cheeky as it did.
Clara: there's no going back now, we're OTP.

* Clara: what's up with these sewers?
Missy: they're decomposed Daleks.
Clara: no wonder they're angry all the time. it's a gift to be able to die.
Missy: i'm glad you think that way (sharpening stick).

* Davros: you have the power to commit genocide, how does it feel to be a god?
the Doctor: come on, man, that's not what God is about, at least that shouldn't be the first thing you think of when you think of God. can we take a break from all the negativity? at least for this week that the Pope is here?

*  the Doctor spins around in an half-cut-open Dalek casing.
Missy: that's my line. why are you having so much fun with this? it's the Daleks' worst nightmare, right?
the Doctor: no, i never got to ride the bumper cars when i was a kid. i don't remember being a child actually, it's like i started as an old man.

* Clara: what's the Dalek word for love?
Missy: exterminate.
Clara: how about hate?
Missy: exterminate.
Clara: how about exterminate?
Missy: Moffat's critics. Steven has had it and programmed that into the Daleks himself when Davros was sleeping.

* Davros: let me see with my own eyes.
the Doctor: i'm crying. i'll help you. you can now cry through your eyes.
Davros: i tricked you! i hate the sun, my skin burns easily as you can imagine. now all of my Dalek children are half-Dalek, half-Time Lord, they're Dalek Deities!
Missy: excuse me, i'm a Time Lady.
Davros: no one asked you, Bitch's Familiar............sorry, that last comment was out of line, i had a rough childhood.
the Doctor: AH-HA! i tricked YOU, Davros! Doctors don't cry, we'd never be able to do our job, we have to make calculating, emotionless decisions that affect whole worlds. also, i hate the sun, too. i got rid of a star once with one wave of my sonic screwdriver/shades.
Missy: that's cold....literally.
Davros: i like you. wanna fuck?
Missy: sorry, dear, i'm taken apparently.
Sarff: Master, i...
Missy: yes?
Sarff: not you! my master, Davros.
Davros: what do you want you Harry Potter reject?

* child Davros: please help me! you said you would! you promised! you said i had a chance!
the Doctor: okay i'll only help you if we NEVER EVER see this flashback of you as a boy on the planet's scarred surface with the smoke again! what is this, the fifth, sixth time we've seen this? i've unintentionally memorized this scene.

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