* so.......................................yeah. the nightmare scenario has occurred. better gulp up the remaining episodes on my Comcast slot before they're taken offline. there're still 3 more episodes not there, the final three. you mean i'm never gonna find out how this ends? serious challenging drama, is that too much to ask? in my cartoons?
* also, why is it that only the good shows get cancelled? how does that keep on managing to happen?
* before we go any further, it's Mister M from now on, just Mister M.
* and before we go any further, obviously these disguises are comically lacking.
* Booster Gold: i said DO in a surfer's drawl for emphasis.
* Batman: i really do like you. but i must maintain the gruff exterior when i'm your boss.
Booster Gold: but can we fuck afterhours?
* Booster Gold: this is where the Minnow should have destinated after their three-hour tour.
* attractive woman: you appreciate my dilemma. i had a floating ball hover over me the entire trip, none of the other passengers just me, a ball named Captain Skeets...
Granny Goodness: i love those Captain Stabbin porn vids, he is so handsome!
* Granny: got a real bug problem here, bruiser.
Booster: that's just a tape.
* Booster: laundry is the most important arsenal in a superhero's tool belt. i lost my tool belt in the laundry but at least i have clean socks.
* Booster: i know who you are........................DRAMATIC MUSIC..................Mario's son or something?
man: yes. i'm gonna be Mario in the new Cartoon Network Jr. show.
* woman: selfie-stick! i don't have any followers but my alter-ego does!
* tour group: *snap snap* OMG that is adorable! the Batjet is sleeping upside-down like a real bat!
* Booster: no flash photography allowed in here. nor photography.
tour group: what about Skeets?
Booster: he's technically a government drone.
* woman: let me guess, Wonder Wonder's jet is here but it's invisible.
Booster: no, it crashed in the desert. Diana's okay but she couldn't get anyone to believe it was gone and still had to pay the insurance on it.
* Booster: recognize Booster.
computer: invalid.
Booster: recognize Bono from U2.
computer: recognize Boodica.
Booster: she's hot. am i seeing her? there are so many, i forget.
* Booster: we got snakes in the kitchen. not as a defense, we just got snakes in the kitchen.
* Granny: i don't gotta go to the powder room anymore.................if you catch my drift.
* Booster: i'm out of power.
woman: get a Samsung power suit next time.
Booster: Teddy? you, too? it's always the ones wearing a hoodie.
woman: surprise! it's me, Joker!
Booster: did we used to date?
* Booster: unknown associate?
Joker: don't feel bad, he calls me that, too.
Booster: why is Batman's phone always full?
Joker: he has never once answered a call to him.
* Granny: who you callin' a battleaxe, Toy Boy!
Toyman: i'm actually a fully-grown man in past incarnations. creepily so.
* Booster: and now for the puns. don't mind the fact that there are 13 of us. we didn't copy Naruto, we copied ourselves, get it? Romancing the Drone does make sense.
alternate-timeline Booster: how?
Booster: it was the last movie in my Netflix queue before i had to cancel. i'll never watch a film again. that film got me through hard times. i'm the Booster that comes from the world without love.
* Booster: marshmallows for all!
alternate-timeline Booster: thanks. you just gave me diabetes. i'm the intolerant Booster, remember?
Booster: sorry. phone trees can get messy. haven't you ever played Operator?
alternate-timeline Booster: no. i'm the Booster who has only known war.
* Diedrich Bader: Yachts R Us. everyone knows what i sound like, but does anyone know what i look like anymore?
* just a macro-observation to close things out as i look over the landscape of the remaining episodes and this brilliant quality series as a whole: there was a lot of Booster Gold and Space Cabbie and Firestorm. for some reason. but there must always be adult animation, that must never shut down. what i'm saying is this show coulda been saved if it had been on adult swim and we had the Trinity Threesome the fans clamored for.
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