* i love this show so much i want to marry it, but this just means more busywork for me, and i hate busywork so much i want to divorce it.
* another season of the cynical drunk high older sibling mentally abusing the poor cute innocent little sibling with his adult stories.
* speaking of, drinking game? every time "I'm Not Martin" is said? nah.
* kid: i think the charts were switched.
worker: let me just check. well how about that, they were! well, i'll switch them back. nonstarter legend, episode over.
* hot nurse: oh doctor, you're so good with your hands.
doctor: i know, i'm good with my feet, too. i'm good at collecting all the body parts.
* kid: what was the point of this episode? i mean, why do you guys collect body parts?
doctor: kid, brilliant board games like Operation don't just make themselves, there needs to be meticulous research put into them to make them as realistic as possible.
kid: i've always hated that game's buzzing sound. now i see where the buzzing sound originally came from.
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