Thursday, October 23, 2014

Law & Order SVU "Pornstar's Requiem" Episode Discusion


* sleazy defense lawyer: i've looked over every one of these pornos...
Liv:...i bet you have.

* sleazy defense lawyer: and, madam, that is what I get paid to do.........................i'm sorry for being so smarmy, the douchebaggery of my frat clients has really rubbed off on me.

* Peter Gallagher: Liv, i am here.
Liv: but why?
Peter: i am here to be the guy who comes on screen once or twice a show to present my handsomeness to the world. i'm a jerk, but i'm handsome, so the audience lets it slide. i've almost reached Rob Lowe status.
Liv: you're just trying to protect the university.
Peter: grow up. hey, if you want to create policy, get into politics.
Liv: and be even less effective than campus police?

* Liv: don't hide behind the mayor's skirt.
university president: the mayor wears a skirt? i never pegged that man for a wild one.

* frat dude: what's going on here?
Carisi: oh, your friend over there is gonna get a better deal than you cos he talked to your lawyer first. that's the problem with sharing the same lawyer. with you being the poor one and everything, you're gonna get shafted.
frat dude: thanks for the advice. i thought you were the enemy here, but for some reason, i'm gonna listen to you rather than my lawyer.

* young woman: porn stars are people, too.
woman's dad: did you ever think of us? do you know what it's like to get gas in our town now? with everyone's beady little eyes staring at me at the pump?
woman: they're not staring at you, they're staring at those ridiculously sky-high gas prices!

* young woman: at least here, no means no.
Rollins: i understand, but...
Carisi: Rollins, let her go, it's her decision. this reminds me of that scene with Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream...except there's a "Y.M.C.A." thing going on here.

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