Monday, December 10, 2018

The Shivering Truth "The Nurple Rainbow"


* so this show is Serious Robot Chicken

* this show is trying for laughs but it won't be like Robot Chicken laughs...

* Claymation is the best (and creepiest) artform until that art style from Into the Spider-Verse came along. that is like some freaky new-human-and-pig-lifeform brand-new animated Claymation a hybrid the likes not seen since Venom himself.

* Beknownst is just another name for Faith

* Vernon Chatman is god to me (maybe that's a bad analogy here) but i actually think the voice of the narrator is a bit off. i'd love to chat with him. if it is indeed Vern talking, it doesn't quite fit the material, like it's too sportscaster-y to swim through this dark matter. if you're gonna get an investigative journalist reporter, get Robert Stack from Unsolved Mysteries from the grave. you gotta get, like, Elvira or Optimus Prime narrating this. well again Elvira would be too campy.

* i never got a purple nurple as a kid. never gave it a second thought, had no idea what they were. i count myself lucky. i guess my chest was too skinny for such measures.

* when the dumb guy turns out to be the smart guy

* pulled out two used long condoms that look like dirty socks. from our heads. we're roommates. and this is us contraceptioning.

* what is the point of the human finger? to touch the forehead of God? to vote? or to push buttons?

* why can't computers crunch the numbers by themselves and leave us to sleep-mode?

* we were all out of jobs before we are even born...there's nothing left to was all done aeons the Universe...

* kind boss. realizes it's not the employee's fault, he is literally an airhead.

* it's not the giant bore into your skull, it's the koala living inside you. this is the purpose of human existence, to provide homes for koalas. the Koalan Afterlife is just gonna be a bunch of trees and rivers of coconut milk. see? there is a use for the hard scratchy hairy husk shell of a peanut, to play bowling with the koala with to distract it. it's not all about peanut butter you know.

* a little dated with the ISIS drop-the-mic jokes, aren't they gone? you chopped off my head and made me more powerful than you could ever imagine! I AM NOW METROID!!! Vern's influence, the good doctor David Eagleman, looks like a stand-up comic. why is your religion based on hate? cos you hatin'. cos if it was based on love it would be based.

* so that's what goes on in those tv focus groups. they're all in there focusing on the Circle Game hand of the executive's son's pants.

* at the end of the day, your perfect ideal sex partner is yourself. that's why masturbation is so popular.

* the complaints that there should be no comedy here, just nervous nihilism, are interesting and acceptable on paper but see, this is what life is: life is never all dark or all light, it's always a combination of tragedy and comedy. it's always tragicomic and always a black comedy, both at the same time, forever intertwined, inextricably ineffable and stirringly saudade.

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