Monday, August 6, 2018

The Venture Bros. "The Venture Bros. & The Curse of the Haunted Problem"


* *dusts off centuries of dust from my manufactured tech hiatus-stick a.k.a. dongle*

* whenever a new season finally hits i always think i could have waited 10 more years, that's how loyal i am to this show. of course who knows if i would live that long. quality comes at a price.

* okay, first impression, flash impression, it's a bit comfortable with itself now. i would never advocate and suggest and call for a scheduling-management program...but...maybe a writing staff?...just kidding, you guys, i love you, never change. as Steve Martin says, "i learned comedy from comedy teams, duos"

* science vs. magic, that's what The Flight of Dragons tackles.

* is this the final season? if not, the whole Monarch-is-your-brother thing came WAY too early.

* Dr. Venture thinks it's a computer glitch, Dean knows better, Dean's listened to progrock.

* the muscley dude Brock is not scared of ghosts. he is only scared of one thing: his shadow. and Philip K. Dick, who's a dick as a ghost. and his red-headed Russian ginger girlfriend. Jackson and Doc predicted Butina before anyone else, check reddit.

* Ben Edlund: so i'm the new guy! FINALLY you get some help in the writing department.
Jackson and Doc: and you are?......
Ben Edlund: The Tick.
J&D: there aren't any ancient tweets we need to be concerned about, right?..................right?

* Vincenzo: *kissing his thumb* i'm a-sorry, Hank, but you a-betray me! i think of yous as my own flesh and blood!
Hank: what happened, Vinnie sir? i did as i was told. i'm a loyal soldier to you. i make the pizza sauce exactly as you've instructed, three parts yellow tomatoes, one part my own blood.
Vincenzo: the hat, Hank, you wouldn't wear the hat!
Hank: that red hat is stupid! makes me look like a dork!

* EPISODE HIGHLIGHT, best part of the episode: the hacking. how real hacking is not Hollywood-dramatic, it's just typing on a keyboard.
Butina with the eyepatch: i hacked your pathetic Election with one eye closed. and one hand tied behind my back. you Americans are dumb.
scientists: cos you were concealing your famous rapier you like to lick with your tongue?
Butina: no, Brock Samson tied me up, i like it.
scientists: now that's dramatic.

* Hank: i am Don Flamenco, the boxer from Mike Tyson's Punch Out who you think will be some European pushover with the flourish poetry and the dainty bullfighter's gait and the romantic bed of roses i wear over my shoulder, but is actually a lot stronger than he looks. i am here to fuck your daughter. hey, are you the boyfriend? you look like Madonna's Italian boyfriend street-tough thug from the "Papa Don't Preach" video.

* early prediction: Sirena is Jackie O's long lost daughter, they do look alike, right? the Girlfriend with the Man Voice started smoking at an early age when she was pressured to have an abortion but didn't and secretly gave birth in an alley. the Brown Widow aka Brown Spider-Man spirited young Sirena away under cover of night, making sure not to be spotted for he was brown in this world...

* Sirena: jeezus, DAD! you want me to marry in the family?! like you want me to actually marry family!? incest? like you want me to marry Cousin Sal!!?
Wide Wale: yeah, sures, why not. Trump does it, right? if it's okay with the President...

* Dr. Venture: come on, Dean, just one strip of comes the choo-choo plane!...
Dean: no. don't wanna. it looks like a dick. like my dick.

* Dr. Venture: hey Magician, why must you be so dramatic in your pronouncements when you're casting spells? and even when you're talking in your normal speaking voice?
Magician: i am obviously a failed Shakespearean actor.
Dr. Venture: want a ham sandwich?
Magician: and a failed attorney, wow, you really know how to twist the knife i scored higher than Birdman on the written exam.
Dr. Venture: what happened to your daughter? we don't see her anymore. like it's been 8 years or so.
Jackson and Doc: we've been over this. she reminds me too much of my ex-girlfriend...who i hear is happily engaged to a lesbian couple she met upstate at college so i wish her all the best. it wasn't like our relationship turned her or anything.

* wimpy toadstool guy: i never knew Jennifer Beals was half-black.
Shaft: come on, man, didn't you see that dance scene in Flashdance? "Maniac"? the butt?
wimpy toadstool guy: don't call me a butt. some of my best friends are maniacs.

* Dr. Venture: so i was half-right, i mean there are such things as scientific ghosts. haven't you seen Ghostbusters? or Danny Phantom?
Magician: my daughter took me to see the lesbian Ghostbusters.
Dr. Venture: so what, does this make us Green Lanterns now?
Magician: the Green Lanterns are a race of sin and will be judged on the Day. all of their decoder rings are used to see inside the women's bathrooms of quaint lesbian colleges located deep inside Maryland farmland.

* Dr. Venture: whoa, so my father was in the building this whole time? he looks like the Terminator. or that creepy ghost robot metalman from the Scooby-Doo opening. you know the one, looks like he came from a progrock Queen cover? Dad was connected to all the wires and pipes?
Dean: no wonder the toilets never flushed.
Magician: who rented you this apartment?
Dr. Venture: i'd rather not say. okay the President.
Magician: there's a rumor Fred is buried in one of the Trump buildings. i'll get my best man Phantom Limb on it. he can faze through walls.

* me, Phoenix: i'm sure the ending ties up some longstanding loose-end strings nicely in the overall arching plot, paves over plot holes like a Domino's Pizza steamroller, but it's been so very long i've forgotten every last detail of this show.

* the ending theme and titles are always the most dramatic part of the show. not Manafort Trial-dramatic with the dramatic developments and everything mind yous, but stills plenty dramatic after all these here years.

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