* hey!
* yes!
* okay, finally we reach the new stuff. ain't gonna lie, this was the one that intrigued me from the remaining when i peeped the list. you get a fuzzy feeling inside, you know this is gonna be comedy. and reality. i will get through this without mentioning Seacrest (damn) and mentioning Jenner (yeah)
* sepia-tone makes the war more digestible
* happy 50th, Supes! you were originally designed to be an Earth-destroying villain! like Goku in reverse. Goku Black. Kasnia once held the Winter Olympics...
* Bryan: my name is Bryan Oceanmist. i used to be an Olympic hero but now I don't give a fuck what you think of me. i can take it.
i admire her. i really honestly do.
* you know i was thinking Supergirl had been on here before but i think i was confusing her with that other bubbly blonde in the stars n stripes suit. i didn't recognize the voice actress, or maybe just forgot. Joanne Spracklen, aye? she looks the part. MMA fighter, too! sprechen sie Deutsch, it's still weird to me that Deutsch is german for german instead of german for dutch.
* Miley started the whole show-your-tongue thing. i suppose it could have been worse and another bodypart. in a couple millions of little girls will watch the Royal Wedding and aspire to be someone other than a selfie queen: a real Queen!
* i can't even..................finish this review...............but i must power through..........like Supergirl's blues
* i've been so busy these years i had no idea i was missing all this time the only revival which matters: That's So Raven.
* Kara: i've never had a Valley Girl accent till now, but whatevs. skin-care line? the animators always make my skin flawless, i'm lucky.
* girl: Supergirl, help me! i know i look like a stalker with this drab overcoat but...
* full disclosure: i actually did think the short agent was really a new character who really was an agent and who just happened to be voiced by Mr. M. silly me.
* agent: real Holywood agents actually say "doll". i think. 20% of nothing is still 20%.
* Superman Black: i plant flag and is country mine. i put my dirty underwear on pole this morning after i came...
* Morty: when she takes off her hoop earrings, you know she's serious.
Kara: stop thinking about blowjobs.
* Superman Black: i hang up banner cos i recently see John Hurt's performance in 1984. he was so Hurt and so hurt he make me cry.
Kara crashes her stomping high-inch heels in.
Superman Black: i want to fuck you. fuck you up i mean.
* Booster Gold: i stole this apple from that villain from Legend of the Seeker. that guy's a hunk i mean he's competition.
* Kara: are you tired yet?
Superman Black: yes. the K on my chest is for Vitamin K which doesn't exist.
Kara: you have a nice banana. what we did was either fighting or really rough sex.
* Booster: thanks, little buddy, you prevented me from littering.
agent Morty Mr. M: i'm short so i have a bad attitude! caves aren't supposed to stink!
Booster: mine did. Daryl Hannah was in it. she was preparing her famous fish. that was some damn good fish.
Mr. M: by the fire?
Booster shakes his head.
* Booster: i switched to eating caterpillars. i killed the time paradox before it had a chance to spread its wings.
Mr. M: of course not! what idiot would buy a purple car!
* in Fresno, the turf wars were decided by turkeys. the semi-pros ruled the lanes...
* Superman Black: strong lady is cousin? so it's still legal in Kansas?
Booster: Kasnia, buddy, Kasnia.
* Superman: i just had a devastating thought. my wind-blowing power from my mouth caused all these tornadoes.
* Superman: that silver silo looks like my dick. ignore it.
Supergirl: is that blueberry pie i smell?
Superman: Ma Kent's blueberry pie.
Supergirl: i thought Ma Kent was dead. quick pit stop to Henderson's dairy...........oh wait i think i killed Henderson accidentally, collateral damage on one of my jaunts.
* Supergirl: i can burp louder than you. that's sad. i'm not on a show so i can eat like a normal human. you ever wonder how different our lives would have been if we hadn't grown up in Smallville?
Superman: you wouldn't have joined a cult.
* Superman: Ma didn't allow tv in the house, that's why Pa divorced her.
* strange transition to Twilight Zone, cos Twilight Zone will always be in demand (and on demand). thanks, Jordan Peele.
* Mr. M: i could have done all this with a snap of my fingers but it's more fun to do the voice, i rarely get to voice with my butterscotch voice. i submitted for your approval and you haven't gotten back to me.
* Mr. M: original design for Kara, looked like Harley Quinn. i was raised by a backbone of DNA, that explains a lot.
* Mr. M: Rod Serling is alive, trust me, i know where he is. i tried to make the Earth flat but the Earth just wasn't having it. peacetime Kasnia is actually quite nice. the swimming pools in Hollywood are quite shallow cos there's no elevation.
* Superman Black: cheap trick. favorite band. golden oat bread. favorite bread. also favorite band.
* Kara: we're superheroes, science fiction is ridiculous.
Booster: agreed. but a show's a show. i'm a selfie king, i don't know how to memorize lines.
* Superman Black: simple clown died noble death. this is his golden bra.
* Mr. M: okay listen. i need help. i think i need to start just not talking anymore. if i can stop talking i can really think about the name thing.
* Supergirl: *hug* i love you.
Superman: in the Kansas way?
* Superman: did you eat all our blueberry pie?
Booster: that wasn't blueberries, THAT WAS MR. M!
* Supergirl: did you hear about that new SyFy show about our home planet?
Superman: SyFy, so stupid.
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