Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saturday Night Live Edward Norton / Janelle Monae Episode Discussion


* you can be Method and do SNL, it's just...well, you're gonna be REALLY tired at the end of it.

* the thing is, PSL can stand for so many things...

* okay, this is a good development, more Nasim...even as a clueless cool kid...and a clueless cool virgin...i know, i know, but it's still more Nasim.

* Janelle Monae: while not my scene, i can appreciate this music. at least she's trying to be original, which is not the case with 99% of the bands out there. okay, 98%, i was being too high-and-mighty critic there. oh, and yes: best teeth ever.

* i don't need no books: porn taught me how to gyrate, son!

* most awesomely uncomfortable skit of the night: the slave freed 12 days ago. more of this, SNL, please, more substance, less fluff. you know it's good when the audience takes awkward pauses, not knowing if they should laugh.

* one Nerd, a booger, i ate my boogers like they were Nerds...when i was a kid...yeah, *looks up*, when i was a kid...

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